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lt_video_banner lt_banner_scroll" id="videobanner"> <div class="container"> <!-- content inner start --> <div class="lt_header_text_content fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s" id="home_sec"> <div class="lt_header_text_content_inner"> <h1>TAKE ACTION</h1><!-- title --> <p> Do you identify with this cause and do you want to participate actively in the protection of the Oceans and the sea off Cascais?<br /> Would you like to use our services for an event or to help finance this project?<br /> Are you aware of any environmental incident or threat to the ocean? </p><!-- text --> <div class="lt_header_content_button_block"> <a href="/<?=$lang?>/subscription" class="lt_btn lt_btnwhite"><span>Become a member</span></a> <a href="#contactos_sec" data-trigger="scroll" class="lt_btn lt_inverse"><span>Contact us</span></a> </div> <p><strong><br />We count on you. Ocean life cannot wait!</strong></p> </div> </div> <!-- content inner end --> </div> <!-- header overlay start --> <div class="lt_header_overlay"></div> <!-- header overlay end --> </div> <!-- banner section end --> <!-- <div class="lt_text_align_parallax_section lt_padding_100"> <div class="container"> <div class="lt_text_align_parallax_content_outer"> <div class="lt_text_align_parallax_inner"> <div class="lt_textalign_parallax_text"> <h1>Evento 25 janeiro 10 horas na praia do Abano</h1> <p>A primeira ação pública oficial da Cascaisea será obviamente uma Ação de Limpeza de Plásticos e Derivados que decorrerá no dia 25 de janeiro, entre as 10 h e as 12h na praia do Abano, em PLENO PARQUE NATURAL SINTRA- CASCAIS.</p> </div> <div class="lt_textalign_parallax_btn_block"> <a href="/<?=$lang?>/evento" class="lt_btn lt_btnwhite"><span>Saiba mais</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> --> <!-- overlay block start --> <div class="lt_textalign_parallax_overlay"></div> <!-- overlay block end --> </div> <!-- text align parallax section end --> <!-- "quem somos" secton start --> <div class="lt_about_section lt_padding_80" id="quem_somos_sec"> <div class="container"> <!-- headings --> <div class="lt_headings_block" > <h4 class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1s">WHO WE ARE</h4> <h1 class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s">OUR MISSION</h1> </div> <div> <p class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> In order to help fight the climate emergency, pollution and environmental degradation, Miguel Lacerda has brought together a group of people from Cascais who are truly committed to this cause. CASCAISEA is a non-profit association whose aim is, through its members and supporters, to act in an altruistic, voluntary and coordinated way to minimize or avoid any damage that may jeopardize the life of our Oceans and, more specifically, the sea off Cascais. The situation is critical and requires drastic measures and concrete action. <br /> CASCAISEA will, within its possibilities and limitations, do everything it can to restore the Oceans’ ecosystems, to guarantee a better and more sustainable life for present and future generations and species, as well as for our planet. <br /> O cenário é crítico, estamos perto do ponto de não retorno e isso requer medidas drásticas e ações concretas. </p> <p style="text-align: center;"><br /><strong>In order to pursue its aim, CASCAISEA will:</strong></p> </div> <!-- headings end --> <!-- "quem somos" section blocks start --> <div class="lt_about_section_blocks lt_flex_grid"> <!-- "quem somos" block start --> <div class="lt_about_block lt_flex_cell fadeleft wow" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div class="lt_about_block_inner"> <!-- icon block start --> <div class="lt_about_icon_block"> <i class="fa fa-object-group" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- icon block end --> <!-- content block start --> <div class="lt_about_content_block"> <p>carry out studies on environmental issues, both on land and at sea;</p> </div> <!-- content block end --> </div> </div> <!-- "quem somos" block end --> <!-- "quem somos" block start --> <div class="lt_about_block lt_flex_cell fadeleft wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s"> <div class="lt_about_block_inner"> <!-- icon block start --> <div class="lt_about_icon_block"> <i class="fa fa-bullhorn" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- icon block end --> <!-- content block start --> <div class="lt_about_content_block"> <p>foster citizens' awareness of the importance of defending the environment;</p> </div> <!-- content block end --> </div> </div> <!-- "quem somos" block end --> <!-- "quem somos" block start --> <div class="lt_about_block lt_flex_cell fadeleft wow" data-wow-duration="2.5s"> <div class="lt_about_block_inner"> <!-- icon block start --> <div class="lt_about_icon_block"> <i class="fa fa-tint" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- icon block end --> <!-- content block start --> <div class="lt_about_content_block"> <p>study the flows and effects of marine pollution;</p> </div> <!-- content block end --> </div> </div> <!-- "quem somos" block end --> <!-- "quem somos" block start --> <div class="lt_about_block lt_flex_cell fadeleft wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <div class="lt_about_block_inner"> <!-- icon block start --> <div class="lt_about_icon_block"> <i class="fa fa-bullhorn" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- icon block end --> <!-- content block start --> <div class="lt_about_content_block"> <p>carry out activities to raise awareness of the territory and sea;</p> </div> <!-- content block end --> </div> </div> <!-- "quem somos" block end --> <!-- "quem somos" block start --> <div class="lt_about_block lt_flex_cell fadeleft wow" data-wow-duration="2.5s"> <div class="lt_about_block_inner"> <!-- icon block start --> <div class="lt_about_icon_block"> <i class="fa fa-life-ring" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- icon block end --> <!-- content block start --> <div class="lt_about_content_block"> <p>contribute towards improving the global environment and, in particular, the Cascais coast.</p> </div> <!-- content block end --> </div> </div> <!-- "quem somos" block end --> </div> <!-- "quem somos" section blocks end --> <p>CASCAISEA's action is not limited to the sea and the people of Cascais. We are always ready to collaborate and help those that fight for the same cause: our Oceans cannot wait any longer!</p> </div> </div> <!-- "quem somos" secton end --> <div class="lt_text_align_parallax_section lt_padding_100"> <div class="container"> <div class="lt_text_align_parallax_content_outer"> <div class="lt_text_align_parallax_inner"> <div class="lt_textalign_parallax_text"> <h1>Activity Report 2024</h1> <p> CASCAISEA is aware of, attentive to and concerned about the great global scourge of "marine litter", which is growing uncontrollably day by day, jeopardising the health and sustainability of the oceans and many species of marine organisms. Oceans and many species of marine organisms, it has endeavoured within its means, limitations and the availability of its associates and friends (all volunteers) to try to fulfil the MISSION MISSION it set out to fulfil.<br> Report on file: <a style="color: white;" href="/relatório_de_actividades_2019.pdf" class="fadetop wow" target="_BLANK">2019</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="/relatório_de_actividades_2020.pdf" class="fadetop wow" target="_BLANK">2020</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="/relatório_de_actividades_2021.pdf" class="fadetop wow" target="_BLANK">2021</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="/relatório_de_actividades_2022.pdf" class="fadetop wow" target="_BLANK">2022</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="/relatório_de_actividades_2023.pdf" class="fadetop wow" target="_BLANK">2023</a> </p> </div> <div class="lt_textalign_parallax_btn_block"> <a href="/relatório_de_actividades_2024.pdf" target="_BLANK" class="lt_btn lt_btnwhite"><span>See 2024 report</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- overlay block start --> <div class="lt_textalign_parallax_overlay"></div> <!-- overlay block end --> </div> <!-- text align parallax section end --> <!-- "fundador" section start --> <div class="lt_know_something_section lt_padding_100" id="fundador_sec"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <!-- content block start --> <div class="col-sm-7"> <div class="lt_know_something_content_block fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div class="lt_know_something_content_inner"> <!-- headings --> <div class="lt_headings_block"> <h1 class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s">Our founder</h1> </div> <!-- headings end --> <p class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s"> Miguel Lacerda, born and raised in Cascais, is a diver, sailor, environmental activist and pioneer of ocean clean-up action in Portugal. </p> <p class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> Honoured with a medal of municipal merit for defense of the environment and nature conservation (2009), Miguel collects more than 30 thousand litres of marine waste per year along the Portuguese coast and under the sea and wants future generations to be able to enjoy the oceans as much as he does. </p> <p class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2.5s"> CASCAISEA, his Environmental Association, was founded in Cascais in the summer of 2019 with the mission to actively defend the oceans and their ecosystems. </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- content block end --> <!-- image block start --> <div class="col-sm-5"> <div class="lt_know_something_image_block"> <img src="/assets/images/fundador.miguel.lacerda.jpg" alt="Miguel Lacerda"> </div> </div> <!-- image block end --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- "fundador" section end --> <!-- "estatisticas" section start --> <div class="lt_statistics_section" id="estatisticas_sec"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <!-- "estatisticas" text start --> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-5"> <div class="lt_statistics_text_block"> <div class="lt_static_text_inner"> <!-- headings --> <div class="lt_headings_block"> <h1 class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s">SOME FIGURES</h1> <h3 style="color: white;" class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s">Data from 2019 to <?php echo date("Y")?></h3> </div> <!-- headings end --> <p class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> Last updated on <b><?=$row_contagem['data_atualizacao']?></b><br> The success of our mission depends greatly on the commitment and participation of all of us.<br> Years for review: <a style="color: white;" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="statsAnt('2019');">2019</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="statsAnt('2020');">2020</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="statsAnt('2021');">2021</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="statsAnt('2022');">2022</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="statsAnt('2023');">2023</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="statsAnt('2024');">2024</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="statsAnt('2025');">2025</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="statsAnt('total');">TOTAL</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- "estatisticas" text end --> <?php $row_contagem = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contagem WHERE id='1'",$db)); $total_lixo_removido = 609231 + $row_contagem['accoes_mar']; $total_accoes_mar = 255 + $row_contagem['accoes_mar']; $total_accoes_litoral = 1043 + $row_contagem['accoes_litoral']; $total_participantes = 3788 + $row_contagem['participantes']; $total_palestras = 71 + $row_contagem['palestras']; $total_accoes_rio = 18 + $row_contagem['accoes_rio']; ?> <!-- theme "estatisticas" start --> <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-7"> <div class="lt_theme_statistics_content"> <!-- static block start --> <div class="lt_statistics_block_start"> <div class="lt_static_block_inner"> <!-- icon start --> <div class="lt_static_icon_block"> <i 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class="lt_static_number_block"> <h2 data-count="<?=$total_participantes?>"></h2> </div> <!-- statics numbers block end--> <!-- title --> <h3>number of participants</h3> </div> </div> <!-- static block end --> <!-- static block start --> <div class="lt_statistics_block_start"> <div class="lt_static_block_inner"> <!-- icon start --> <div class="lt_static_icon_block"> <i class="fa fa-comments-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- icon end --> <!-- statics numbers block --> <div id="palestras" class="lt_static_number_block"> <h2 data-count="<?=$total_palestras?>"></h2> </div> <!-- statics numbers block end--> <!-- title --> <h3>Speeches</h3> </div> </div> <!-- static block end --> </div> </div> <!-- theme "estatisticas" end --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- "estatisticas" section end --> <!-- checkout section start --> <div class="lt_checkout_section lt_padding_top_80" id="o_que_fazemos_sec"> <div class="container"> <!-- headings --> <div class="lt_headings_block"> <h1 class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s">WHAT WE DO</h1> <p class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> CASCAISEA is an important asset for the protection of the Oceans, particularly the sea off Cascais.<br /> At a time when humankind’s transformation and technological development is drastically interfering with marine ecosystems, and the anthropocentric impact on the planetary biosphere is unprecedented – compromising present and future generations, as well as the survival of various species – we are attentive to everything that may harm or compromise the oceans and marine life.<br /> </p> </div> <!-- headings end --> </div> <!-- checkout features container start --> <div class="lt_checkout_features_container"> <!-- features row start --> <div class="lt_chackout_features_row"> <!-- image block start --> <div id="qs_active" class="lt_checkout_features_image_block"> <img src="/assets/images/img.2.jpg" alt="O que fazemos"> </div> <!-- image block end --> <!-- content block start --> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-6"> <div class="lt_checkout_features_content_block lt_checkout_feature_grid"> <!-- list start --> <ul> <li class="zoomIn wow" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div id="qs1" class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span>1</span> <!-- text --> <p id="qs1_txt">We are ready to act to minimize or solve specific or future situations that may compromise the environment;</p> </div> </li> <li class="zoomIn wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s"> <div id="qs2" class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span>2</span> <!-- text --> <p id="qs2_txt">We are critics and whistle-blowers of everything that is a result of negligence, arrogance, opportunism and complacency;</p> </div> </li> <li class="zoomIn wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <div id="qs3" class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span>3</span> <!-- text --> <p id="qs3_txt">We carry out studies on environmental issues, both on land and at sea;</p> </div> </li> <li class="zoomIn wow" data-wow-duration="2.5s"> <div id="qs4" class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span>4</span> <!-- text --> <p id="qs4_txt">We foster citizens' awareness of the importance of defending the environment;</p> </div> </li> <li class="zoomIn wow" data-wow-duration="2.5s"> <div id="qs5" class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span>5</span> <!-- text --> <p id="qs5_txt">We organize work, studies, activities, action and regular interventions;</p> </div> </li> <li class="zoomIn wow" data-wow-duration="2.5s"> <div id="qs6" class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span>6</span> <!-- text --> <p id="qs6_txt">We collaborate with entities, authorities, associations, NGOs, schools, companies, and clubs, etc;</p> </div> </li> <li class="zoomIn wow" data-wow-duration="2.5s"> <div id="qs7" class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span>7</span> <!-- text --> <p id="qs7_txt">We carry out activities to raise awareness of the sea;</p> </div> </li> <li class="zoomIn wow" data-wow-duration="2.5s"> <div id="qs8" class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span>8</span> <!-- text --> <p id="qs8_txt">We support and collaborate in the recovery and reuse of professional fishing equipment.</p> </div> </li> </ul> <!-- list end --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- content block end --> </div> <!-- features row end --> <!-- features row even start --> <div class="lt_chackout_features_row lt_even_checkout_row"> <!-- image block start --> <div class="lt_checkout_features_image_block"> <img src="/assets/images/img.1.jpg" alt="Corpos Sociais"> </div> <!-- image block end --> <!-- content block start --> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="lt_checkout_features_content_block lt_checkout_feature_list"> <!-- list start --> <ul> <li class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1s"> <div class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span><i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <!-- title --> <h4>Management</h4> <!-- text --> <p> <b>President:</b> Miguel Lacerda<br /> <b>Member:</b> Catarina Fanado<br /> <b>Member:</b> Pedro Jordão<br /> <b>Member:</b> Nuno Albuquerque<br /> <b>Member:</b> Susana Garcia </p> </div> </li> <li class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s"> <div class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span><i class="fa fa-balance-scale" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <!-- title --> <h4>Board of the General Assembly</h4> <!-- text --> <p> <b>President:</b> António D’Orey Capucho<br /> <b>Secretary:</b> Tucha Candeias </p> </div> </li> <li class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <div class="lt_checkout_list_inner"> <!-- number --> <span><i class="fa fa-university" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <!-- title --> <br /><h4>Single Auditor:</h4> <!-- text --> <p>Pedro Amorim Lopes</p> </div> </li> </ul> <!-- list end --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- content block end --> </div> <!-- features row even end --> </div> <!-- checkout features container end 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class="container"> <div class="lt_text_align_parallax_content_outer"> <div class="lt_text_align_parallax_inner"> <!-- parallax text content start --> <div class="lt_textalign_parallax_text"> <h1>Become a member today!</h1> <p>Do you see yourself in this cause and do you want to collaborate actively in the protection of the Oceans and the Sea of Cascais?</p> <p>Want to help finance this project?<br /><br /> You can make your donation to the IBAN PT50 0035 0388 00002717 430 07</p> </div> <!-- parallax text content end --> <!-- parallax button block start --> <div class="lt_textalign_parallax_btn_block"> <a href="/<?=$lang?>/subscription" class="lt_btn lt_btnwhite"><span>Become now!</span></a> </div> <!-- parallax button block end --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- overlay block start --> <div class="lt_textalign_parallax_overlay"></div> <!-- overlay block end --> </div> <!-- text align parallax section end --> <!-- simple steps section start --> <div class="lt_simple_steps_section lt_padding_80" id="steps_sec"> <div class="container"> <!-- headings --> <div class="lt_headings_block"> <h1 class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1s">SOME DATA FOR ANALYSIS</h1> <p class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s">The typology, provenance and factors that cause marine waste to appear in a particular location differ greatly from area to area. On this website we will only present data since 2014, from the west coast of Sintra/Cascais; the data refers to one of the most strategic areas of the eastern part of the North Atlantic.</p> <p class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s">The area goes from Cabo Raso to Adraga Beach (excluding the concessioned beaches of Crismina and Guincho, where waste is removed by the municipality).</p> <p class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2.5s">These are difficult (often dangerous) areas and accesses: trails, cliffs, escarpments, rocks, caves, cracks ... places where waste is very difficult to remove by man, which would guarantee us better conclusions from evaluation (or monitoring).</p> </div> <!-- headings end --> <!-- tabs block start --> <div class="lt_simple_steps_tabs_block hidden-xs"> <!-- Nav tabs --> <ul class="lt_tablist" role=tablist> <li class="active fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s"> <a data-toggle="tab" href="#lt_tab01" role="tab" aria-controls="lt_tab01" aria-selected="true"> <span class="lt_steps">Origin of marine litter</span> <span class="lt_step_icon_block"><i class="fa fa-pie-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> </a> </li> <li class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <a data-toggle="tab" href="#lt_tab02" role="tab" aria-controls="lt_tab02" aria-selected="false"> <span class="lt_steps">Type of plastics</span> <span class="lt_step_icon_block"><i class="fa fa-area-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> </a> </li> <li class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <a data-toggle="tab" href="#lt_tab03" role="tab" aria-controls="lt_tab03" aria-selected="false"> <span class="lt_steps">Garbage Qty</span> <span class="lt_step_icon_block"><i class="fa fa-area-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> </a> </li> <li class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <a data-toggle="tab" href="#lt_tab04" role="tab" aria-controls="lt_tab04" aria-selected="false"> <span class="lt_steps">Number of Actions</span> <span class="lt_step_icon_block"><i class="fa fa-area-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> </a> </li> <li class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <a data-toggle="tab" href="#lt_tab05" role="tab" aria-controls="lt_tab05" aria-selected="false"> <span class="lt_steps">Lixo removido</span> <span class="lt_step_icon_block"><i class="fa fa-area-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> </a> </li> <li class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <a data-toggle="tab" href="#lt_tab07" role="tab" aria-controls="lt_tab07" aria-selected="false"> <span class="lt_steps">Working hours</span> <span class="lt_step_icon_block"><i class="fa fa-area-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> </a> </li> </ul> <!-- Tab panes --> <div class="lt_tabcontent_block fadebottom wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2"> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane fade in active fadebottom" id="lt_tab01" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="lt_tab01"> <div class="lt_tabpane_inner"> <!-- title block --> <div class="lt_tab_inner_title"> <h3>Origin of marine litter</h3> </div> <!-- title block end --> <!-- content --> <p> <a href="/images/graficos/01.jpg" data-fancybox="graficos"> <img src="/images/graficos/01.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"> </a> </p> <br /> <p> <a href="/images/graficos/01a.jpg" data-fancybox="graficos"> <img src="/images/graficos/01a.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade fadebottom" id="lt_tab02" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="lt_tab02"> <div class="lt_tabpane_inner"> <!-- title block --> <div class="lt_tab_inner_title"> <h3>Tipo de plásticos</h3> </div> <!-- title block end --> <!-- content --> <p> <a href="/images/graficos/02.jpg" data-fancybox="graficos"> <img src="/images/graficos/02.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade fadebottom" id="lt_tab03" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="lt_tab03"> <div class="lt_tabpane_inner"> <!-- title block --> <div class="lt_tab_inner_title"> <h3>Quantity of waste removed per liter</h3> </div> <!-- title block end --> <!-- content --> <p> <a href="/images/graficos/03.jpg" data-fancybox="graficos"> <img src="/images/graficos/03.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade fadebottom" id="lt_tab04" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="lt_tab04"> <div class="lt_tabpane_inner"> <!-- title block --> <div class="lt_tab_inner_title"> <h3>Number of Actions taken</h3> </div> <!-- title block end --> <!-- content --> <p> <a href="/images/graficos/04.jpg" data-fancybox="graficos"> <img src="/images/graficos/04.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"> </a> </p> <br /> <p> <a href="/images/graficos/06.jpg" data-fancybox="graficos"> <img src="/images/graficos/06.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade fadebottom" id="lt_tab05" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="lt_tab05"> <div class="lt_tabpane_inner"> <!-- title block --> <div class="lt_tab_inner_title"> <h3>Trash removed</h3> </div> <!-- title block end --> <!-- content --> <p> <a href="/images/graficos/05.jpg" data-fancybox="graficos"> <img src="/images/graficos/05.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"> </a> </p> <br /> <p> <a href="/images/graficos/08.jpg" data-fancybox="graficos"> <img src="/images/graficos/08.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade fadebottom" id="lt_tab07" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="lt_tab07"> <div class="lt_tabpane_inner"> <!-- title block --> <div class="lt_tab_inner_title"> <h3>Work hours</h3> </div> <!-- title block end --> <!-- content --> <p> <a href="/images/graficos/07.jpg" data-fancybox="graficos"> <img src="/images/graficos/07.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"> </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- tabs block end --> <!-- accordion block --> <div class="nrml_accor_design visible-xs"> <div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="headingOne"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapseOne"> Origin of marine litter </a> </h4> </div> <div id="collapseOne" class="panel-collapse collapse in" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="headingOne"> <div class="panel-body"> <p><img src="/assets/images/grafico.2.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge the graph"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="headingTwo"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a class="collapsed" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseTwo"> Type of plastics </a> </h4> </div> <div id="collapseTwo" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="headingTwo"> <div class="panel-body"> <p><img 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mysql_query("SELECT * FROM noticias WHERE lang='pt' ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 9",$db); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { list($ano,$mes,$dia) = split ("-",$row['data']); $ano = $ano[2].$ano[3]; switch ($mes){ case 1: $mes = "Jan"; break; case 2: $mes = "Feb"; break; case 3: $mes = "Mar"; break; case 4: $mes = "Apr"; break; case 5: $mes = "May"; break; case 6: $mes = "Jun"; break; case 7: $mes = "Jul"; break; case 8: $mes = "Aug"; break; case 9: $mes = "Sept"; break; case 10: $mes = "Oct"; break; case 11: $mes = "Nov"; break; case 12: $mes = "Dec"; break; } ?> <!-- blog item start --> <div class="lt_blog_item fadeleft wow" data-wow-duration="1s"> <!-- image block start --> <div class="lt_blog_image_block"> <img src="/images/noticias/<?=$row['foto']?>" alt="<?=$row['nome']?>"> <!-- date block start --> <div class="lt_blog_date_block"> <span class="lt_blog_date"><?=$dia?></span> <span class="lt_blog_month"><?=$mes?> '<?=$ano?></span> </div> <!-- date block end --> </div> <!-- image block end --> <!-- blog content block start --> <div class="lt_blog_content_block"> <!-- title --> <div class="lt_blog_title_block"> <a href="/<?=$lang?>/news/<?=$row['url']?>"><?=$row['nome']?></a> </div> <p><?=$row['resumo']?></p> <!-- Ler Mais button --> <div class="lt_blog_readmore_btn"> <a href="/<?=$lang?>/news/<?=$row['url']?>">See more</a> </div> </div> <!-- blog content block end --> </div> <!-- blog item end --> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <!-- blog carousel container end --> </div> </div> <!-- latest blog section end --> <!-- testimonials section start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_section lt_padding_80"> <div class="container"> <!-- headings --> <div class="lt_headings_block inverse"> <h1 class="fadetop wow" data-wow-duration="1.5s">What do they say about us?</h1> </div> <!-- headings end --> <!-- testimonials carousel container start--> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_container"> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel"> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="1s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>The choice of the name CascaisSea couldn't be more right. This is because its founder and my friend Miguel Lacerda is a Man of the Sea and Cascais, who defends both with a huge passion and determination. From boats to diving, to biodiversity, to the conservation of the oceans, he is committed to everything he believes in, without falsehoods and hypocrisy, without concessions and never driven by his own interests. We need more Lacerdas and more CascaisSea to protect our Sea and coasts. A big hug from Bernardo Queiroz and the entire Terra Incógnita team.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/1.png" alt="Bernardo Queiroz"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Bernardo Queiroz</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>CASCAISEA For some of us who live with the sea in our hearts, it is inseparable to think about the sea and the oceans without remembering Miguel Lacerda. The sea runs through his veins like salt water. When we are concerned with the sustainability of the seas and oceans and in the problems that have been aggravated by the disrespect that has set in for the Oceans, Miguel has already done so and has already alerted us to these evils! When today the concern with plastics and their proliferation in the Oceans is on the world agenda, Miguel has already alerted us to a more proactive and necessary awareness of us all!</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/2.png" alt="Fernando Braz de Oliveira"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Fernando Braz de Oliveira</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="2s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>Num período onde a sociedade civil se une para garantir que existe uma transição social, económica e ecológica exequível é com grande esperança que vejo o nascimento da CascaiSea. Uma associação dedicada a dois dos maiores valores Humanos da actualidade. A educação e a preservação da biodiversidade. Estou certo que o seu papel será cada dia mais relevante para Cascais e para o país.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/16.png" alt="Ftancisco Guerreiro"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Francisco Guerreiro</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>I have known Miguel for dozens of years and, therefore, his abilities. I would summarize his characteristics referring essentially and always in a positive way, his energy, dedication to this cause, stubbornness, irreverence, contagious pioneering spirit and being politically incorrect when fighting for a cause that belongs to everyone and that the Environment is grateful for. Anyone who does not appreciate that Miguel is politically incorrect and whoever comments and criticizes him, just has to remember a universal truth: «when we point the finger at someone we probably have three fingers pointing at us...».</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/3.png" alt="António Guerra"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>António Guerra</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>Cascais, the Atlantic is to be congratulated for the great achievement of having an environmental association led by Miguel Lacerda, a person who has not given up fighting marine pollution, not even against all the difficulties he faced! Thank you Miguel ... today you are almost anonymous but I believe that in another generation, all your achievements will be remembered, especially because they will make some quality of life possible for our children and grandchildren! Well, Miguel, for being an active activist and for not giving up on a healthy ocean! Congratulations.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/4.png" alt="Sandra Yolanda"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Sandra Yolanda</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>Thank you CASCAISEA! Fundamental work in the preservation of our maritime heritage. Ensuring, among others, a political awareness for the preservation of the environment. So many times not to say, almost always forgotten by those who govern us. Thank you for the constant struggle for more and better for our environment. Nautical greetings Tiago Branco.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/5.png" alt="Tiago Branco"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Tiago Branco</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>Hello Miguel. You managed to accomplish something very meaningful and valuable quickly and without publicity that shames those who, like the old fable "of the mountain that gave birth to a mouse", did little, but that noise and fanfarrona did not lack. So, receive my sincere applause full of wishes for you to continue with your enthusiasm. Wishes of great enthusiasm to the new ones of the science of the sea, from an old ignorant. Francisco Reiner.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/6.png" alt="Francisco Reiner"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Francisco Reiner</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>CASCAISEA- Um verdadeiro sucesso, porque o Miguel Lacerda primeiro faz obra de valor, depois é que fala. Parabéns pelo muito que tem feito pelo ambiente e limpeza do MAR.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/7.png" alt="Cristina Malhão-Pereira"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Cristina Malhão-Pereira</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>Cascaisea, great project with excellent people and professionals concerned with the environment. People who struggle daily for Cascais to be a cleaner destination for everyone. I wish my friend Miguel Lacerda the best of luck and that Cascaisea is a great example for the whole country.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/8.png" alt="Pedro Mendes Gomes"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Pedro Mendes Gomes</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>CASCAISEA is indispensable in this world that wants to save the planet from the barbarities, and Miguel Lacerda's unique experience is indispensable !!!!!!!!</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/9.png" alt="Madalena Mendonça"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Madalena Mendonça</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>CASCAISEA - the entity that can care for the marine areas of the Cascais coast, as its creator has been doing for many years..</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/10.png" alt="João Guimarães Marques"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>João Guimarães Marques</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>I have been following CASCAISEA's work for some time and it is to be welcomed the attitude, at a time when everyone talks a lot (social networks) but does little is inspiring to see the attitude and the struggle that they fight, every other day, against the scourge of ocean pollution.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/11.png" alt="Luís Zagallo"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Luís Zagallo</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>Pela dedicação, resiliência e grande envolvimento nas questões da conservação do Planeta! Bem haja quem se dedica assim por nós e pela nossa Vida!</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/12.png" alt="Cristina Carneiro"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Cristina Carneiro</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>CASCAISEA has the experience of those who know MAR and the motivation to act for its sustainability and preservation.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/13.png" alt="Manuel Filipe Silva Moreira"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Manuel Filipe Silva Moreira</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>There are people who run salt in his veins, in the end we all came from the sea, but Miguel Lacerda has even more of the sea, so maybe a large part of his life is dedicated to the Oceans, who wouldn't want to have that gift? Cascaisea is born so that others will follow its example and more people will help to care for and preserve the Cascais sea and in the background all the Oceans.</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/14.png" alt="José Marques"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>José Marques</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> <!-- testimonials carousel block start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_carousel_block faderight wow" data-wow-duration="3s"> <!-- before icon --> <div class="lt_testi_before_icon"> <i class="fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- testimonials text start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_text_block"> <p>It was because of shark dives that I met Miguel Lacerda and knew from the beginning that for us it is clear the importance of the conservation of these animals for the sustainability of the planet on which we all live. From the shared experiences and from everything I have already learned from CASCAISEA's friends, I can safely say that the mission of this Environmental Association will be exemplary in the development of good practices of respect for the marine environment and for all the natural surroundings in which we live. we live. For me, CASCAISEA is already a reference for proactivity, awareness and environmental education without barriers. Well done for your action!</p> </div> <!-- testimonials text end --> <!-- user info block start --> <div class="lt_testimonial_user_info_block"> <!-- user image block --> <div class="lt_testi_user_image"> <img src="/assets/images/avatar/15.png" alt="Fernando Reis"> </div> <!-- user image block end --> <!-- user info block --> <div class="lt_testi_userdetail_block"> <!-- user name --> <h3>Fernando Reis</h3> </div> <!-- user info block end--> </div> <!-- user info block end --> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel block end --> </div> </div> <!-- testimonials carousel container end --> </div> <!-- testimonials overlay start --> <div class="lt_testimonials_overlay"></div> <!-- testimonials overlay end --> </div> <!-- testimonials section end --> <!-- subscribe section start --> <div class="lt_subscribe_section lt_padding_100"> <div class="container"> <div class="lt_subscribe_block"> <h1>Do you want to follow our actions and events?<br> Subscribe to our newsletter!</h1> <!-- form block --> 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